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Santa Cruz Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Santa Cruz organiser on: 2023-04-27

Welcome to Green Drinks Santa Cruz!

Green Drinks is regular (about montly) event for socialising and networking with people interested in sustainability and environmental matters. 

The idea is to chill out, chat, exchange ideas, get nourished and inspired.

Green Drinks Santa Cruz is part of the Green Drinks international movement, establishing an environmentally minded social hub in our community.

This project is non-politically aligned. Free entry. All welcome.

If you want to join this green network, please email esthiermann (at)

Thank you for popping in and we look forward to seeing you soon! 

Our History 
We started in July 2021 from a group of friends interested in environmental and sustainability issues. Animated by values such as social commitment and environmental awareness, the group aims to provide for networking opportunities for its members in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

We hope to expand and strengthen this green movement in our beloved neighboring communities.